Saturday, December 5, 2009

What grade will i be able to get up to after two years of piano lessons?

I have played the violin for 6 years and have done my grade 6. I would love to have piano lessons, and I would be able to have them for then next two years (until i go to uni)... I was wondering, what grade do u think i might be able to get up to? I know it will vary from person to person, but I am quite a quick learner and I have done, on average, a violin grade per year. Thank you!

What grade will i be able to get up to after two years of piano lessons?passions soap opera

about grade 2 or 3 i reckon...

depends on whether you want to get to that standard or just pass the exam... kinda makes sense if you think about it... i mean you could probably crash course it and get to about grade 5 ...

i took my grade 3 clarinet after about 2 or 3 years and i'd never played an instrument before..


also you could probs get further if you just missed out grades... such as grade 1 .. it seems so pointless as you have exam experience anyway

What grade will i be able to get up to after two years of piano lessons?mr messed up opera theater

I had my Grade 6 flute and I took Grade 3 piano after only playing for about 8 months. I practised hard and I really enjoyed it so I'd say that if you're prepared to put the work in then you should get up to about Grade 5 in two years. I'm not particularly talented, but I managed fine.

You already have musical knowledge, ability and experience of taking exams so you'll be fine. If you were a complete novice then it would take much longer to get to Grade 5.
no one here can know what grade you'll be in after two years of study. The only person that will know is you. Only a few people here are qualified to make a credible prediction, others are only guessing.

It will depend on how much you want to learn and how much you will practice. It is all about work ethic and and determination. You can learn a lot in two years if you set goals, put your mind to it and work with intensity. However, at the same time, you can waste a lot of time in 2 years and achieve absolutely nothing. Your past music history will only help in a small amount - reading treble clef and rhythms. You have to learn bass clef... you may already know this... but you need to develop you left hand and learn to play hands together.

At the end of the day, it all depends on you. I have students who have done so much in two years it is unbelievable. I have seen colleagues in grad school accomplish more than any one can imagine in two years while other colleagues didn't do anything. The answer for this question is on you and no one here can give you the correct answer.

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