Saturday, December 5, 2009

Am i on the right path for college?

Hey Im in 8th grade and im kinda nervous for college.Please tell me if im on the right path to college:


GPA (weighted): 4.16

GPA (unweighted): 4.01

Rank: 3 out of 100 students

AP courses: Geometry and Spanish 3B (Math and Spanish are the only advance courses my school offers)

Extra Curricular:

President of National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

Secretary/treasurer of Student Council (ASB) - 7th grade

Co-Editor and Chief of Yearbook staff (5 day a week elective)

Member of swimteam

Level 4/4 in golf lessons

Art Lessons

Violin Lessons

Volunteer at a local retirement home by performing violin every week

Volunteer at the local public library

Guitar Lessons

Attend Chinese School every Saturday for 3 hrs.

Went to China for a month to teach English to local kids

Volunteer on the school tech crew

Received Special award in the county science fair

John Hopkins talented youth award

Principals Honor Roll 3 years in a row

1st place local art contest

Finalist for school science fair, 2 yr

Am i on the right path for college?performing show

You just answered your own question. I'm in college with a 3.4 so your in far good shape than I was

Am i on the right path for college?opera score opera theater

you know you are, you just want us to tell you how good you are don't you?
You're either on a good path for college or to be President of the United States....either way it looks like you're in good shape.

In all seriousness, your grades in middle school will not matter much; what matters is your high school grades. But you're certainly on the right path! Best of luck!!!!!!!!!
do you have a life in there somewhere? i think you are set to get into harvard. universities don't care that much about all that extracirrucular stuff -- just keep your grades up and you will be fine -- add 1 or 2 honors a year, get decent grades on your entrance exams and thats about all you need.
check this link its good


Wow, you really on your way. You have everything going just the way it should. Especially your extracurriculars. I got curious when I saw only two AP classes, but if that's all they offer, you don't have much of a choice haha. Just keep doing what you're doing!!!! If your school offers Honors courses, colleges like to see those as well as AP. Also, you may want to look at taking a leadership role on your swimteam, such as captain/co-captain. One more thing, if you can get first or second in your class! Fight for the Valedictorian spot! Colleges will go crazy.

College is one of the best times of your life! You're right on track to go to any school of your choice.

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